Duo Studios

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Transforming Perspectives: An Interactive Journey with Studio Air

In a unique business partnership, we secured a full-page advertisement in Australian Geographic. But we didn't want it to be just another standard ad. We wanted to create an experience that goes beyond product pitches—a chance for viewers to interact, have fun, and learn something new.

The AG community is known for their love of adventure, travel, and the great outdoors. Their inherent connection to the natural world is undeniable, as is their deep desire to protect it. So, we decided to tap into this passion and explore the hybrid relationship between the physical and digital environments that define our lives.

And thus, the "Do you see what I see?" campaign was born.

We wanted to take a full-page ad and transform it into a captivating digital journey—one that tells a story and revolutionises the way we perceive our environment.

At first glance, viewers are greeted with an abstract kaleidoscope of natural textures, designed to spark curiosity. We discreetly integrated a QR code at the heart of the artwork, inviting viewers to uncover its hidden potential.

With a simple scan, the QR code unlocked a captivating digital experience. The artwork comes to life, unfolding and lifting off the page in an enchanting animation.

At each stage, intriguing facts about our relationship with paper appear—revealing the staggering impact of our paper usage. Did you know that an average person consumes around 50 kg of paper annually? That's equivalent to 10,000 sheets of A4 paper, and it takes a full-grown tree, 4500 litres of water, and emits 80 kg of greenhouse gases to produce it. But there's hope: Going paperless or using recycled paper can cut that environmental impact by more than half.

Step by step, the animation gradually transforms the artwork into a 3D origami flower, revealing the hidden artistry within the physical piece. And bonus, the advert can be cut out and folded up by the audience as a fun activity and keepsake, rather than going in the bin once the magazine is read.

Our hope is that it serves as a powerful reminder that even seemingly small decisions, like printing a single sheet of paper, have an impact. But if that impact is unavoidable, we encourage offsetting it and transforming it into something beautiful.

At Studio Air, we practise what we preach. We are proud to be 95% paperless, with the remaining 5% of paper use dedicated to recycled materials. Our commitment to sustainability extends to our clients, where we integrate thoughtful creative concepts with impactful sustainability strategies to elevate their brands.

We believe in making sustainability an adventure—empowering our clients to take small steps that create significant change. It's an ongoing process, not an overnight transformation. We want to make it easy for everyone to choose their own path toward sustainability and realise that change is not only possible but within reach.

So, do you see what we see?
Join us on this multifaceted journey, and together, let's transform the way we interact with our environment.